When CAB Construction starts working on your residential roofing project, our reliable roofing team will work quickly, efficiently, and with minimal disruption to your home life. Our roofing experts will take the time to answer any questions you may have along the way and provide all necessary information prior to starting the job, all the way to the completion of your project. CAB Construction is a GAF Master Elite Contractor, which is is the only type of roofer than can provide the golden pledge warranty, the most powerful and substantial warranty in the entire roofing industry. A golden pledge warranty is the only warranty that requires the entire roof system to be from GAF, a single manufacturer.
CAB Construction is more than a residential roofing company. We can restore your home from the ground up, and many times you will need other services completed at the same time that you get a new roof installed. You need more than just a roofing company to restore your home to normal after a devastating storm hits your home. You will most likely need repairs for other collateral damage including gutters, windows, fencing, air conditioning units, etc… CAB Construction can do it all, and you will only need to work with one contractor to get your home back to a condition that will be better than before the storm hit.